Sunday, June 24, 2007

Up to my eyeballs in babies

I've been hanging out with more babies than adults lately! My good friend, Eibleis, brought her 3 month old son over today. Isn't Ruadhan (pronounced Rowan) irresistably squeezable? I made him laugh today and I think this is because I'm his favorite aunt ;-) They're going to Alaska for a few months, and when he's back its 6 month photoshoot time with his favorite aunt. Have a safe trip, guys!

Friday, June 22, 2007

The littlest J

Ok ok, I finally have something to blog about this week. Last night I finally met the newest J in the Nilluka family. Jered is just 3 weeks old and very sweet. Congratulations to Jeff, Jenelle and Jamis on making their family complete! You may remember Jenelle's pregnant belly from my earlier post. Here are a couple of shots that I took. And when I have more time this kid is going to get seriously familiar with my lens. Have I mentioned how much I love RAW images??

Friday, June 15, 2007

lazy lima bean

It's Friday and I'm too lazy to come up with an original blog post. Plus I'm leaving the office at 1pm. So here's a pic of an adorable marmalade sheedee that I stole from Cute Overload.

I knew you'd like it.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Pip Pip Hooray!

This weekend I had the pleasure of shooting my first female baby. I couldn't have asked for a more patient and mellow subject! Piper (aka Pip) was such a good girl for two whole hours. We met at the Yahoo! campus and shot both inside and outside. Thank you for letting me take pics of your little girl, Yuko! I had a wonderful time. You're so lucky to have such a sweet and happy baby. Here are some of my favorites:

Friday, June 8, 2007

Friday, June 1, 2007

The Real Me

Ooh looky, I'm a nerd sex symbol! Thanks Brian Gregus for using your awesome Photoshop skillz on me. There are many more in this collection hanging on the walls at Yahoo!. I even get to ride a motorcycle in one of them.