Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pickles and Hearts

Gracie was kind enough to let me practice some portrait photography on her and her perfect belly. I mean PERFECT. It is totally round and her skin is gorgeous. If only we could all look like this when pregnant!! I had a lot of fun taking these photos, not to mention meeting their funny, playful doggies. Thanks again, Gracie! You should be a model I swear.

Zeitgeist the Movie

You may or may not agree with the facts presented and conclusions drawn in this documentary. It is extremely thought provoking and I think everybody should watch it. No matter what your personal/political stance, its good to at least consider some of these topics and be aware. Its starts out very slooooow and they begin by talking about religion, moving on later to politics and economics. But stick with it and I guarantee you'll be pulled in.