Sunday, November 25, 2007

The belly is unstoppable

Its getting huge, people. 32 weeks and still expanding. Thank you for taking portraits today, Kerstin!!


Courtney said...

Cletus Cletus bo betus banana fanna fo fetus me mi mo metus - Cletus!

Alice Trieu said...

You are almost there! Can't wait till see evilbae morphing out of the womb!

Sara said...

The belly (and the rest of you) is beautiful.

Danielle said...

What a beautiful picture! I LOVE your dress and I don't care if it may or may not be a maternity dress, WHERE DID YOU GET IT?

And before you tell me... YOU'RE IT!


k_clemm said...

Awwwww! I know everyone says this to every pregnant woman - but with you I really mean it - you look WONDERFUL! I hope you are comfortable through these last few weeks and that delivery goes smoothly - cant WAIT to see evil baby!!! It would be awesome if he comes out with the same hair as you!