Monday, January 7, 2008

Evilbebe is almost here...

My blog negligence is astounding, no? In my defense I have been wrapping things up and am now officially on maternity leave. The shoes are off and the ice cream has escaped from the freezer. The nest is almost ready for Evilbebe to arrive. Here are a couple of pics of her evil lair. Its not completely done but if she arrives tomorrow I think she will find it an adequate place to being scheming and plotting.

Ps. The images below look faded for some unknown reason but if you click on them you can see bigger images and actual colors.

This sign was all rusty but Mr. Evil sanded for several hours and repainted to get it looking perfect. He is racking up so many good husband points lately. And what is his reward? Sleepless nights and living with hormone crazed banshee (that would be me).

These are Evilbebe's ugly little friends :-)

Our bags are packed and ready to go...

I made a couple of collages for her wall. Mark says owls are the new black.

Here I am ready to explode like Jiffy Pop. Lord have mercy!


Anonymous said...

Kate, you look AMAZING!!! And excellent work on the nursery. Very cute!

Molly K. said...

So good to hear your voice last night! You really look fantastic! Yay! Babies coming out of small places! Yay!

Anonymous said...

holy crap! how many babies you got in there??? nursery looks awesome!

Courtney said...
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Courtney said...

Ummmm Mark says Owls are the new black? Wow. That is the straightest thing I have ever heard. I heart Mark! :)

Anonymous said...

Kate! The lair is incredible! So very impressed :)

Anonymous said...

The room looks beautiful and so do you! I love the collages you made, you artsyfartsy, you! LOVES!

Anonymous said...

Awww - it looks great! What a stylish little baby she is already :) And you look WONDERFUL. Actually - you are making me feel inferior on many levels!!

When do you "pop"? I cant wait to see this evil little baby! For some reason you were in my dream last night and the baby looked totally like Joe LOL. how random. - Kerry