Friday, October 19, 2007

Evilbebe's First Photos

Today Mr. Evil and I had our 3D ultrasound appointment. I am happy to report that everything looks normal and is as it should be. 10 fingers, 10 toes, and she is most definitely a girl! She preferred to stay in a curled up position with hands & feet tucked in so we had a hard time getting good shots. I had to cough, turn on my side and poke her a bit to get her opened up. Then she'd yawn, stretch and curl right back up.

We learned a few things about our baby:

1. She is most definitely a thumb sucker. She had it in her mouth almost the whole time and even looked like she was trying to get her foot in her mouth at one point. This is going to be a hard habit to break! I won't tell you how old I was when I finally quit.

2. She has a dimple in her right cheek. We had a hard time seeing this but the ultrasound technician noticed it immediately.

3. She is head down and the placenta is in the posterior position. Which explains why I can feel every kick.

A rare moment without the thumb in the mouth:

Thumb in mouth:

Profile shot:

In a curled up position:


Courtney said...

Oh my god oh my god oh my god! This is so exciting!! I LOVE it! :)

She is adorable just like you guys. :)

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I LOVE evilbebe already!!! She is awesome and already has so much personality (it would have been funny though if two characters like you had a boring kid who just stared at the wall all day). I am so glad to hear she is healthy and everything is going well! You will LOVE having a girl!!!! - Kerry

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful. I can't wait to have a new niece to spoil. Does this help with the name selection at all? Wow!! What a miracle.
Love you guys, see you soon!!!

Sara said...

This must have quadrupled the excitement factor! She is so beautiful - you're going to have to shield her from those Nilluka boys (jk). I can't wait to see the real bebe.

Oh, and one more thing... will you PLEASE post one with horns on it? So we know it's yours for sure?

Anonymous said...

She is so precious i threw up. SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to meet the little sugar cube (no doubt she will be a spiced suger cube). ;)