Sunday, October 14, 2007

One-a-Day Challenge

I'm soooooooo lazy. In response to several complaints that I don't post enough I'm issuing the "One-a-Day Challenge" to myself. I will post one blog post per day to show you that I care. I might even post more than once a day, you never know. Look at me getting all carried away on a Sunday morning :-)

Today's post is brought to you by Mike & Bridget's wedding. I shot their wedding a few weeks ago in Vacaville and I have a whole new respect for wedding photographers (hats off to you, Augie)! I ran into a couple of challenges, one major one being my equipement, and learned a great deal about shooting events. Being the photographer and the assistant are two very different things.

Here is my brother at the wedding with my new sister-in-law, Nicole. He was the best man...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um . . . beautiful photos my friend! Should you be interested in shooting more weddings, I just might know a couple who need a photographer on the 4th of October next year! :)