Monday, October 15, 2007

Two posts in one day!

Somebody stop me, I'm on a roll. You're totally going to become spoiled with all of this posting I'm doing. But I just HAD to call attention to this one. Kathy Griffin is dating Steve Wozniak??? Here's my favorite comment from somebody on Dlisted:

"it has been proven time and time and time and time and time over and over and over and over again that women love men with money. look at this dude's face. now tell me he wouldn't be single if he worked at walmart"

I'm not going to say anything. Except that he looks like an ewok. And I love Kathy Griffin. And she must really want an iphone.


Anonymous said...

bull seal, not an ewok

Courtney said...

I heart Kathy too! And I would totally F an Ewok for an iphone. My price is low sista.